CBD Oil For Atherosclerosis

Everywhere you click these days, it seems like someone on the internet is talking about cannabidiol—also known as CBD, a chemical compound derived from the cannabis plant. One sensation you may feel immediately after taking CBD oil is a greater sense of calmness. By interfering with the metabolism in the liver, CBD may increase blood levels of certain drugs. Partly because official evidence is so hard to come by, people often treat themselves does CBD have thc on the fly rather than seek guidance from a healthcare practitioner, experts say.

One of the prime questions raised in these early studies was whether or not the body produces its own natural equivalents to the previously discovered compounds called phytocannabinoids, like THC and CBD, found in the cannabis plant. CBD is believed to relieve pain and distress, help with chronic diseases, and mental health.

Some people make their hemp tea by adding a few drops of CBD oil, often called hemp oil, to their regular tea, but you can also get CBD tea in tea bags. Given the direct effect of CBD on the 5HT3A receptor, as well as its vital role in the economy of anandamide, it will be surmised that at least part of the anti-emetic properties of cannabidiol may be associated with the serotonergic system.