You have probably noticed that one of the biggest health trends of 2018 has been the rise of CBD oil and other products containing this cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. Nevertheless, if you are actually making an effort to experience the optimum health and wellness perks, CBD oil might be your superior option. A… READ MORE
As interest around CBD improved, questions around CBD drug interactions naturally increases. Many people find that CBD oil helps them with pain relief without some of the harsher side effects of narcotics and other pain management drugs. In this animal study, mixing CBD and alcohol prevented the development of steatosis in mice. As long as… READ MORE
Everywhere you click these days, it seems like someone on the internet is talking about cannabidiol—also known as CBD, a chemical compound derived from the cannabis plant. One sensation you may feel immediately after taking CBD oil is a greater sense of calmness. By interfering with the metabolism in the liver, CBD may increase blood… READ MORE
CBD oil has become CBD oil something of a popular, everyday product in the last decade, with more people than ever using it all the time. As for the CBD, it needs to be extracted from the hemp plant. People who consume weed from time to time had only 15% less chance to develop a… READ MORE
Do you suffer from anxiety? Because it’s associated with cannabis (marijuana), and marijuana is associated with getting high, CBD often gets a bad wrap as also being an intoxicating substance. Consult with your medical professional on whether your prescribed medication will be affected by the CBD product you are using. If you then take CBD… READ MORE